On a meeting of the Coordination Committee of the project, held on 18th January this year, it has been agreed that all of the source code developed so far will be released by the end of February.
To do so, the following conditions will be taken into consideration:
- Licensing: At a first moment, the idea was that of licensing the code under European Public License (EUPL), being the one promoted by the European Commission (herunder EC), but given the contents of so called "Report on the Study of the Compatibility Mechanisms of the EUPL (European Union Public License) v.1.0", available here , and given that the base software used within our project is licensed under GPL (GNU Public License) 2.0, it was finally agreed that the selected license would be GPL 2.0 itself.
- Authorship will be held by A Coruña University Database Lab (hereunder UdC Datalab) and by each of the individual developers who have contributed to the project.
- Intellectual property rights, nevertheless, will be held by Diputación de A Coruña (hereunder DPC) as a consequence of the contents of the different agreement charts that have been signed so far to develop the project.
- The main site, from which the code will be released, will be hosted at webEIEL site, but it will also be publicised at:
- As Mancomún tools are only in Galician, Sourceforge ones are more likely to be used
- A wiki should complement the main site
- Materials to be released:
- Project documentation
- Architecture and functionalities description
- Classes description (Java Doc)
- Users Guide
- Developers Guide
- Data Model
- Source code package
- Bit code -> Through Java Web Start, to avoid updating problems
- Quick start data package
- Community support:
- Launching of two mailing lists:
- Keeping historical archives of mailing lists
- Launching of a bug tracking system
- If community grows up beyond our expectations, new mailing lists and phora will be launched
- Project related blogs planet
Moreover what preceeds, during
SIG Libre workshop we will meet gvSIG responsibles in order to incorporate to this project some of the utilities developed for gisEIEL, such as "Edition Tools" .